Terms & Conditions
All editing will be carried out within Adobe LR using the latest version in Creative Cloud. You will need to be using this rather than a stand alone older version.
Please allow 48hrs from receipt of any feedback for any required amendments to an edit. This does not include weekends. Please ensure you take this into account when agreeing a deadline with me.
Once you have fully approved and paid for an edit, no further amendments will be made.
None of your work will be used for marketing without your consent as per the form.
AI processing is a standard part of my workflow; however, all edits will be manually processed thereafter by myself.
Please notify me if you wish to change the number of edits you wish to outsource or cancel entirely. I would appreciate keeping up to date records that enable me to offer your space to someone else if necessary.
All returned LR catalogues MUST be downloaded within 14 days of your link being emailed to you. I can not keep files beyond this time frame due to space. If you do not download the link then I cannot guarantee that I will still have it and you will be liable to paying again for any re-edit required.